The true beauty is in simplicity.
That's why this page is simple. I want to go back to the times when I was just learning HTML and was so proud of myself because I finally mastered making tables. I want to go back to the times where there weren't any cliques.
I believe that everything good is beautiful. I believe that everything bad is beautiful.
Anything that is not good or bad is ugly.
That's just the way I think.
I've tried so hard to find a webpage that I liked. A popular webpage that I liked, that is. I couldn't.
So I've decided to just work on pleasing me and don't care about the number of hits I get. I'm not going to care who signs my guestbook and who doesn't. I want everything to be simple and beautiful and me.
There won't be a lot of graphics. There won't be a lot of "popular" stuff.
This webpage is just a way to express me.
If I know you in real life, you are welcome to come and realize who I am. If I don't know you, come in and get to know me.
I want you to enjoy, but I'm not going to worry about it.